About Me

Hello everyone, as a market researcher of some personal home appliances shop, my priority is how you can get the best product for your home and your family. My personal belief is family comes first. So you always want to buy the best product from the market for your lovely family.

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My name is Eric Todd. A 42 years old market researcher. I have completed my graduate degree from the University of North Carolina. After that, I decided to see myself as a market researcher. That’s why I completed a course on marketing and research. I have studied a lot of my field and work with my professor and gained practical knowledge. I gathered knowledge about customer psychology which is related to buying a product from the market. People’s normal tendency is to buy the best product from the market with reasonable price.

In 21 century everything is changing like market policy and market strategy because of the internet. Now we are living in a global village. No matter where you are. You can buy everything from any place in the world. But the problem I found out that sometimes it’s really difficult to choose the right product from the right market place. My friends and neighbors always consult with me when they order any product from the online market. After that, I realize that I can share my knowledge with all people who need helps.

My social connections – Pinterest, Twitter, Quora, Facebook, YouTube

I almost attend lots of fairs and conference about home appliances home and abroad. Always try to get latest ideas, technology, and brand about the vacuum cleaner. So this is very helpful to me write the reviews on vacuum cleaner which I provide you through my site pickthevacuum.com, and I feel happy to do this work. If you have any question and query just feel free to ask me.

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