How to Dry Wet Carpet Without Vacuum Cleaner

We all love fluffy, cushy carpets, low pile carpets, even white carpets, basically, carpets of every kind. These large, small, varied sized adornments work great to protect the floor and make the house look more elegant and cozy. The pieces turn the flooring, no less than a bed or couch. We will say even better as the space it provides is bigger and broader.

Washing and Drying a Carpet


Placing carpets everywhere in the house is convenient. You choose, pay, and get as many as you want. But up keeping them is challenging and tedious unless you call for a carpet cleaning service or have a powerful carpet cleaner. We are not against using a cleaning service or having a carpet cleaner. If you have the budget, you can invest any amount in the maintenance of the carpets. It increases the carpets’ shelf life. But what if you do not have a carpet cleaning machine, in that, for washing the carpets once or twice a year, many do not prefer buying a whole carpet cleaning machine. Neither expensive cleaning service is everyone’s cup of tea. Seeing how useful the carpets are in protecting the floor, one feels the hard work is worth doing, thus prefer doing it all by oneself. And, within the first carpet washing session, actually, the very first piece, one realizes it is the drying of it that is pretty frustrating more than cleaning the entire carpet. And without a vacuum, it’s like, as if, the carpets are never going to dry ever.

How to Dry Wet Carpet Without Vacuum

How to Dry Wet Carpet Without Vacuum
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So, for those among you who do not have machines to wash or dry a carpet, let us tell you how to dry wet carpet without vacuum after you have successfully washed your carpets at home all by yourself. We actually have a few ways to dry wet carpets.

Method #1 – Sunlight

You might be amused thinking, who doesn’t know that sunlight dries the carpets. But many people actually think sunlight damages and fades the carpet. Yes, of course, but if you do it the wrong way. In reality, sunlight is the best way to dry, disinfect the carpets, and remove bad smells from them. So, here’s a few crucial points.

  • Avoid putting the carpets directly under the sunlight; rather, use the sunlight and its heat wisely.
  • After thoroughly rinsing the carpets, and removing every drop of excess water from the carpet, keep it in a room where the sunlight enters the best through windows.
  • We all have at least one room in the house or apartment that always has sunlight, a great amount but not too striking or direct. Use that room to its full potential to dry your carpet.
  • You can either use a drying rack or hang a thread or place the carpets on the floor, albeit after thoroughly mopping it.
  • Give a few hours, if possible, the whole day to dry one side. Flip the carpet only when one side is arid, from every layer, every fiber.
  • If it takes more than a day to dry one side, be it. If somehow the inside of the carpet or its padding doesn’t dry well, the moisture with the heat will create germs and bacteria. Thus you will end up with a stinky, damaged carpet.

Method #2 – Fan

Now, this one could be the ceiling fan, table, or stand fan. Some of you have them in your rooms, and some do not. This is the age of air conditioners and air coolers, after all. But those of you still have ceiling fans at their house; you can use the fan to dry your carpets. Those who don’t, but one, they are low-cost items.

  • Switch the fan on at full speed. The airflow will help to dry the wet carpet quicker.
  • A fan actually is a milder version of a carpet dryer. The latter is specifically designed to dry wet carpet with powerful wind airflow.
  • You set it in such a condition that the whole airflow mostly goes through the beneath of the carpet. And as the airflow is too powerful, the upper portion also gets a good amount of air to dry.
  • However, a fan will not give you that power nor advantages. Yet, if you do not have the machine, they are expensive; by the way, a fan is a great alternative. A table fan is better than a ceiling fan or pedestal fan, as it could be set similar to a carpet drying fan, air flowing through the beneath of the carpet, remember?
  • It takes a maximum of a couple of days, perhaps 4-5, to thoroughly dry the carpets, depending on the carpet size and thickness.
  • Hang the carpets, put the rugs on the rack, or keep them on the floor and switch on the fan. Flip when one side dries well.

Method #3 – Hair Dryer

We are never going to recommend it to you if the carpet is large. This method is for the small carpets, rugs, and mats. Just like the hair is dried within seconds with a hairdryer, you can dry your small carpets, even medium ones, with a hairdryer. Make sure you are holding the dryer at a distance to protect the delicate carpet fibers. Also, do not blow hot air on a specific spot for too long. Move it from one spot to another in seconds and return to the preceding spot later. Carpet fiber is equally delicate as your hair. So be careful while using the heat and hot air on your carpet while drying it.

Method # 4 – Iron and Towel

Ironing a carpet is something that is not allowed. But come to think of it, it can be a great way to dry a wet carpet without a vacuum. The issue is the direct heat of the iron. So you will need something in between the carpet and the hot iron. And that barrier is a towel. Place the towel over the carpet portion you want to dry and iron the towel in high heat. The high heat will pass through the towel to the carpet as low heat, and that low heat will work on drying the carpet. Time-consuming, hands are continuously at work, but a safe and affordable way to dry a carpet.

Method #5 – Air Conditioner and Dehumidifier

If you already have an air conditioner or a dehumidifier at home, you can use one or the other while drying your wet carpet. The air conditioner, with its cool air supply, soaks the water from the carpet. And the dehumidifier, as designed to control and reduce the moisture in the air, will work on the carpet’s dampness too and dry it.

You can also sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the wet carpet. The powder will absorb the water and help to dry the carpet quicker. If you have all these items and products present in your house, you can accelerate the drying process by using multiple items from every corner of the carpet. After all, the sooner the carpets dry, the lesser the chances are of growing germs, bacteria, mildew in the carpet. And of course, no bad smell too.

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